How to qualify as a Full Member of Fire Academy Nigeria. Full Membership of Fire Academy Nigeria is not handed out anyhow, you have to earn it.

To become a Full Member, you must demonstrate both Practical Skills and Theoretical Knowledge.

The Designation- MFAN – is an indication of a Professional ability and the Academy is actively encouraging recognition of this, among employers. Raising the standard of fire services is one of the primary objectives of the Academy. The fact that the status of “Member” is awarded to those who prove their professional competence is a clear demonstration that, We as a Professional Organization care about Standards.

If you are an Associate Member, you can apply for Upgrading to a Full Member as soon as you feel that your skills, qualifications, age and experience have reached a sufficiently high level and provided that you can also meet the criteria stipulated by the Academy’s Governing Board.

We are making the youth globally competitive by developing them through a combination of skills, employment and empowerment. Vocational Training in skills and crafts must be given the same Recognition and Awards as Academic Qualifications.

Fire Academy Nigeria Membership grades: Student, Associate, Member and Fellow.

When young adults are taught vocational skills, it would assuage Unemployment Problems, Reduce Poverty and Social Vices.

Professionalism breeds Management efficiency and high productivity which is the basis of the establishment of Fire Academy Nigeria.

Your invaluable support to our activities by encouraging Membership and Examinations of the Academy will be welcome.

Our success will immensely benefit Nigerian Government, Commerce and Industry and the Society at large, in which you and I are making major contributions.

Fire Academy Nigeria is a useful link between Technical Colleges, Colleges of Technology, Polytechnics, and Universities etc.

The Academy forms a body of students and qualified members who meet periodically to discuss their Profession, Aims, Educational Matters, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and hearing from Experts and Veterans in the Fire Industry.

It is in doing this, that those in the Profession can be heard, accord with recognition and have their places in the Society and the Government in order to actively perform their duty.